Saturday, October 07, 2006

Cock Number Five

People often ask me when I first became interested in being a cock carer. I always point them to one incident:-

One night when I was seven years old, I crept out of my bedroom on a voyage of discovery. Early the previous day, I'd heard my father talking to my mother in the kitchen.

"That bloody fox has been round again."

I wanted to see "that bloody fox" with my own eyes.

So I crept behind the bins and waited.

At about two o'clock I noticed the form of an animal. It was the fox! As he moved into the moonlight and turned towards me, I saw as clear as day his mouth was moving. He had my father's cock in his mouth! He was gobbling my father's cock!

I jumped out from behind the bins.

"Shoo!" I said. "Leave my dad's cock alone!"

He dropped it and scarpered pretty sharpish.

From that time on, I promised myself that when I grew up I would take care of my cock, protecting it from danger and never letting it out of my sight.

The early loss of his cock killed my father. He was never the same man. I don't blame the fox, he was only doing what comes naturally. But my father was not vigilant. And vigilance is imperative for us cock lovers.


Today's cock belongs to Jez Butler from Hertford. Jez is a big Arsenal fan and says he likes to "take" his "cock up the Arse."

I think Jez is having me on as I don't think animals (with the exception of guide dogs) are allowed at football matches.

Jez is a satellite tv engineer. His cock, George Graham II, often accompanies him as he clambers over the rooves of houses. Jez's cock certainly has a head for heights.

Arsenal fan, George Graham II


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