Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cock Number Four

Thank you for your kind thoughts concerning my uncle and his poor cock. As Uncle Frank's only surviving relative, you may think I would be more supportive of him at this time. But the old man was guilty of cock abuse for many years, not only his own but others', and in my book a real man does not damage his or any other cock without some kind of cosmic revenge being meted out to him. May he suffer the way Mickey Rooney, Al Capone, Winston Churchill, and countless other cocks suffered at his hand. If there is a God, let's pray he or she is a chicken.

This week I have been studying my stats and to my great disappointment, they seem to be falling. I asked my friend Geoff how he got to be so popular. He said there is only one way and that is to toot your own horn by leaving comments on other bloggers' sites.

Well, I would do so as I enjoy a lot of other blogs. But my blog is a bit of a one-trick pony, and if you're not a cock-lover you won't like my blog.

How, for instance, could I bring my cock into a discussion about global warming? Global warming hasn't really affected my cock and my cock can't do anything about global warming. And if I tried to put my oar in, the other commenters would just dismiss me as a man who wants to show his cock to everyone.


Today's cock is unusual as it has been submitted by a woman, Marjorie Banks, 57, of St Margarets-on-Sea, Kent. Marjorie and her husband Ken, 57, retired from the civil service a few years ago and have since thrown themselves into the local amateur dramatics scene. They are currently performing in a production of Shaw's Pygmalion.

Ken has been feeling a bit down recently after being diagnosed with depression. But Marjorie, good old sort that she is, has sent a beautiful picture of Ken's little cock for my readers to enjoy.

In her own words, "I love my husband's cock and would like to share it with other cock connoisseurs. I know Ken would never do it himself because although he is immensly proud of his cock, he has a fear that if others were to see it they would poke fun at its size. Yes, Ken's cock is small, but it is beautiful and has given both Ken and myself countless hours of pleasure."

Well, Marjorie, I do hope this post cheers Ken up, and tell him from a man who knows: it's not the size of your cock that counts. If I had a pound for each time I've meted out that piece of advice I'd be a very rich man now.

So here's Ken's lovely little bantam cock, Big Daddy...

What a sweet little cock.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Cock Number Three

I'm so glad it's the weekend. I thought this past week would never end.

Last week I got a phone call from my uncle in Southampton. My uncle hasn't been well for some time. He's 84 and he has been a smoker and a drinker all his life so I suppose you could say he's had a good innings, but last time I saw him at Christmas he really did look old and ravaged by time.

So I got a call from him last week saying that Mickey Rooney, his little old cock, was looking like he was on his last legs.

Of course, I dropped everything. I'm of the opinion that however ill my uncle is, it's all his own doing, but when it comes to his poor, innocent little cock, who has breathed in years of cigarette smoke, listened to my uncle's drunken rants and raves, occasionally been kicked and slapped after one of my uncle's mindless benders...

I got there at midnight last Saturday. My uncle looked in a bad way. His cough was so bronchial I thought he would hack up his internal organs.

Uncle Frank led me to the bedroom. I wasn't prepared for the sight I saw.

Uncle's cock was lifeless. So old and wrinkled and lying as limp as an old rag doll. The smell in the room was putrid.

"You could at least have opened a window," I said to Uncle Frank, but I could see there was a deadness in his eyes. He knew his cock was on the way out.

I then realised I was only there to witness the end of a life, not even to nurse the poor thing through its last few miserable days but to merely watch, watch, watch as the light slowly dimmed from what once was a proud, shining cock.

I put one hand on my uncle's shoulder and stroked his cock with the other. There was no response from either, just a low wheeze from Uncle Frank's chest. Mickey Rooney was barely breathing.

He lasted another three days. I left my uncle bereft and drunk. I couldn't do any more for him. I don't think he'll make it to Christmas.


But life goes on, and on returning from Southampton I found some lovely messages from my readers in my inbox. Tom has promised me a picture of his cock which I am looking forward to with anticipation. And Ziggi has correctly guessed the location of this week's cock. Yes, it's Manchester, the cock capital of the North West.

Today's cock belongs to my old school chum, Jeremy Larkson. Jeremy's a vicar! You would never have guessed it if you'd have seen him fifty years ago, but Jeremy got into the religion lark in his mid-thirties and he is now extremely popular with the little old ladies of his flock. They love it when he parades his cock, Sir Cliff, in front of them each Sunday. The highlight of the service is always when Jeremy's cock's head peeps over the pulpit as he rouses the congregation to sing All Things Bright And Beautiful.

"My cock is a gift from God," as Jeremy says.

And I think you'll all agree.

Sir Cliff and his "congregation"

Friday, September 15, 2006

Number Two Cock

I have been asked by my good friend MJ what it was that brought me to Sleaford, Lincs.

This is Sleaford as described in the Reader's Digest Touring Guide To Britain:-

"Attractive cottages on River Slea beneath one of oldest stone spires in England atop 12th century St Denys' Church. Grassy hammocks mark Sleaford Castle, where King John's final fever was treated in vain."

I suppose I could say in hindsight, if it's good enough for King John, it's good enough for me and Peregrine. Because Sleaford is really the sort of place you come to to die. Although there's still a lot of life left in the two of us!

We set off one morning in 1994 in a mood of great depression. My wife Doreen, the "love of my life", had run off a few days previously with our ruddy faced milkmaid to set up a women's sandwich co-operative in Axminster. I had an inkling something was going on as there was never any bread in the house.

My brother Graham, his cock Willie Whitelaw, and his wife June, stepped into our shoes as I lost all interest in the world of dairy farming. They waved us goodbye as we sped off in our new Ford Fiesta. I stopped at the first layby I could, closed my eyes, opened the Reader's Digest Guide at a random page, and inadvertently stuck the pin straight into my finger. The blood dripped onto Sleaford.

The journey up to Lincolnshire was a wonderful release. As I drove at a steady 30 m.p.h., the wind rushing through my hair, my cock's head straining out of the front passenger window, I felt ten years younger. All those arguments with Doreen faded into the background, her constant nagging about me spending too much time alone with my cock.

After a couple of nights in a local B&B, we decided to settle in this two bedroom semi, which we are renting from a very nice landlord who has no objections to Peregrine having the run of the place. I don't think that would have been the case if I had a dirty cock.

Today's picture is from a friend of mine who lives in Carlisle (did anybody guess right?) called Russell Prout. Russ is only 16, but, as you can see, his taste in cocks is impeccable. Russ has just started his 'A' Levels in Politics, Economics, and Social Studies, and I think he has a big future ahead of him. Russ's cock is called Charles Clarke. Isn't he a beauty?

We will be off for a few days from tomorrow so I will get back to any comments left over the next few days on Wednesday or Thursday next week. I'm sorry if I've rambled on a bit on this post but the more I get into this blogging lark the more I want to reveal of myself. I hope I haven't lost all my readers.

See you later,

Love Giles

Monday, September 11, 2006

Thank you all so very very much

Just a few words to thank those of you who commented on my first post. I really do appreciate each and every word. I think this blogging lark is going to be a lot of fun.

Biggest thanks go to MJ for the marvellous plug on her Infomaniac blog. Mania runs in my family too, MJ, so you've immediately got a friend here. And I see you're a big Andrew Lloyd Webber fan, too. I love Andrew. We've got so much in common, MJ. You don't happen to have a cock, do you?

And Minion, I'd just like to say that I could never ever put my cock in my mouth. Stroking is as far as I can go when it comes to physical contact. I don't know if you had a cock you'd eat it, but let me tell you it would be very very hard.

I should have said on my first post that I'll only be posting the cock pictures on here once a week or so. Which will give you all time to play a little game - you can try and guess the location of each weekend's coming cock. Like me, my Peregrine was born and raised in Dorset, but he now resides with me in Sleaford, Lincs. We love it here. I think we'll both take our last breath in this town.

Love to you all


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Cock One

How do?

My name's Farmer Giles, and this is my cock blog.

I only recently became aware of this blogging lark a few weeks ago when my old friend Geoff mentioned he had one in one of his letters to me. I went down to PC World and got myself fixed up with a top of the range PC, and two weeks later, here I am, dipping my toes into the water, so to speak.

You may have guessed my particular interest by now.

Yes, I am a cock lover. And nothing gives me more pride or pleasure than my own cock.

But I don't want this blog to be purely about my own cock. I want this blog to be the definitive cock site on the internet. My aim is to get as many pictures of cocks of all types posted on here. They say variety is the spice of life and I have many contacts all over the world who would just love to have pictures of their multifarious cocks broadcast to the world at large.

I will not be posting pictures alone, of course. I will be writing short biographies of the cocks' owners to flesh out the posts so to speak. They are all lovely people and I have put all their names into a hat as I don't wish to seem to be favouritising one over the other as they've all got beautiful cocks and each and every one of them can't wait to get their cocks online.

So without further ado and to start things off, here's a picture of my own cock, Peregrine Worsthorne The Third...

I am so very proud of my cock.